What Is Terrorism? We often hear the word “terrorism”, “terrorist” or “suicide bombing”, but do we know what these nuanced terms actually mean? ‘Terrorism’ was the most searched word in the year…
Author: Hemlata
Why Is Menstruation Still A Sin For Women? It’s 2019!
In the 21st Century, so many women are independent and hold power to decide for themselves what they do with their lives. But in several Indian states like Maharashtra, Uttarakhand, Andhra Pradesh,…
Youngsters Vigorous Attempt to Save Earth
Climate change is the result of human actions that leads to the degradation of land, loss of productive system and biodiversity. Do you know our earth contains 70% of water and 95.7%…
Work From Home: How The Pandemic Has Changed How We Work
In this pandemic situation, the government imposed a nationwide lockdown to prevent its citizens from coronavirus. All the offices and employers are bound to give work-from-home (WFH), which has turned over the…
वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम: क्या सच में हम एक परिवार है?
भारत में कोरोनावायरस नामक महामारी दिन प्रतिदिन अपनी रफ्तार ले रहा है। ऐसे हालात से लड़ने के लिए पुलिस प्रशासन और चिकित्सक कर्मचारियों ने ऐड़ी चोटी की ज़ोर लगा दी है। परन्तु…
गुहार एक बेटी की
भारत देश, जिसमें माता शब्द जुड़ भारत माता बन पुजनीय हो जाता है, जहां गाय को माता कहकर पूजा जाता है,जहां बेटी के जन्म लेने पर उसे लक्ष्मी से संबोधित किया जाता…
कविता – मातृभूमि के वीर पुत्र (पुलवामा आतंकी हमले में शहीद वीर जवानों के नाम)
शत शत नमन है उस ममता को,जिसने ऐसे महावीरों को जन्म दिया शत शत नमन है उस पिता को,जो एक और पुत्र देश पर न्योछावर करना चाहता है शत शत नमन है…
The Seeds Of Gender Inequality Are Often Sowed At Home
Article 15(2) of the Indian Constitution says, “No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them, be subject to any disability, liability, restriction…
If The World Economy Is Facing Recession, Why Is Billionaires’ Wealth Shooting Up?
On 22 March 2020, Prime Minister Modi imposed a nationwide lockdown amid the rise of coronavirus. The lockdown affected the nation in myriad ways including a sharp rise in unemployment, stress on…
Save Your Lifeline – MAA Ganga
Ganga – Not just a river in a holistic country like India, Ganga is Maa for us who purify our soul. Ganga is largest river in India and a Life Line of…