India has a rich and prominent history in the field of education. India had one of the best education systems in the world, where children once received education in the Gurukul for which the Teacher (Gurus) did not charge a single penny. In fact, they took care of everything from food, clothing, and shelter. But the modern education system of India focuses solely on money making instead of education. Schools started by rich businessmen have only one motive which is is to earn money by raising fees in an exorbitant manner. Due to this mindset, middle-class parents of India face a financial crisis while providing education to their child.
Parents who want to get their toddlers admitted into Pre Nursery of DPS Gurgaon have to pay 2,40,177/- annually. This is not about DPS Gurgaon only, it’s about all private schools who are charging exorbitant fees from parents. If the fees of Pre Nursery students is so high, we can imagine the amount parents have to spend for their children studying in 12th standard. But this is not the end of their miseries, as these schools, force parents to buy uniforms and books from prescribed stores or from the shops within the schools’ premises. To make profit the management strikes a deal with these stores in exchange of hefty commissions from them.
Table of Content:
- Is School Management Treating Parents as Customers?
- Does The Management Not Trust The Judgement Of Directorate of Education (DOE)?
Is School Management Treating Parents As Customers?
Every parent wants their child to have a bright future, hence they are often left with no option but to play along with the whims and fancies of the school administration. Hence, the middle class and single parents suffer a lot financially. Every year the school management hikes the fee by 10-12%.
If we see the fee structure of private schools, it includes annual charges, development fees, tuition fees and labs fee, etc. When we add up these charges, we get an enormous amount. When the Admission Department describes the fee structure to parents, they assure them of not charging a penny more than the original fee structure, but do they stick to their words? No! In the name of celebration of National/ International Days and other events, they fill up their own pockets.
Parents belonging to the poor section of the society take admission in private organizations with the help of Government Policies but face a lot of issues after admissions. Government is doing its job satisfactorily, but the management of private schools and their strategies harass these parents mentally. The management of DPS Ghaziabad forces parents to show their income and sends staff members to check their houses, only to free themselves of the responsibility of admitting the students from the underprivileged sections of society.
Does The Management Not Trust The Judgement Of Directorate of Education (DOE)?
On April 2, 2019, Delhi High Court put an interim stay on allowing private unaided schools in the city to hike their fees. The initiative taken by the Delhi Government against fee hike in private schools is appreciable. We are expecting a favorable judgment from the High Court so that every middle-class parent can provide a good education to their children. Again, it’s not only about Delhi, but it’s also about all the private schools of India who run a business in the name of education.
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